Preserving, protecting, and restoring the Rio Grande bosque since 1994
Restore our Rivers / RiversEdge West
Through participation in RiversEdge West's Restore Our Rivers Initiative, the Save Our Bosque Task Force is working to accomplish four main goals:
1. Hiring and maintaining a full-time program director – We have been an all-volunteer program for 23 years. With this added capacity, we have been able to take on more projects and a larger role in these projects.
2. Monitoring and internship program – In 2017, we hired two interns through the American Conservation Experience (ACE) to implement our monitoring program. These interns set up photo points and belt transects throughout several of our projects, conducted tamarisk leaf beetle surveys, and assisted several of our partners with their needs. We were able to continue the internship program into 2018.
3. Updating our Conceptual Restoration Plan (CRP) – The CRP has been our guiding document since 2004, and with it, we have protected and restored over 1200 acres of riparian habitat, invasive plant control to address fire danger in the bosque, and public outreach. An updated plan will assist us in prioritizing future projects based on their potential long-term resilience and sustainability. In 2018 we applied for and received a $100,000 WaterSmart grant to update our CRP, and Save Our Bosque Task Force will be working with our partners to begin the update soon.
4. Develop a conservation maintenance program – With assistance from the Utton Center, we are evaluating the capacity needed and potential liability of taking on the role of long-term maintenance of recreation and restoration projects in our valley.
Thank you to those who support our efforts and participated in this initiative through financial contributions! We couldn’t do it without you!
Friends of Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
Forest Fitness, Inc.
McCune Charitable Foundation
SB Foundation
Connie Robnett
Rhodes Family, LLC
Jim and Mary Ruff